The participants and staff at Vista Centre Brain Injury Services have been very fortunate over the years to have a small, but dedicated group of people who volunteer on a regular basis to assist us with enhancing the quality of life for people living with the effects of an acquired brain injury. By being a friend to someone, maintaining our website, serving on our board, a committee or by helping raise much needed funds, volunteers help us strengthen our programs by offering new and creative ideas, special skills and offering a genuine concern for the people in our programs.
In return, Vista Centre Brain Injury Services is committed to providing volunteers with worthwhile and challenging opportunities that match each individual's skills and interests.
Become a very important element of Vista Centre Brain Injury Services and assist us in providing quality services to our participant.
We would like to acknowledge all who take the time out of their busy lives to contribute something back to the community by saying Thank You to all our volunteers for the excellent work you provide.

In May 2011, I took the initiative and set out to do some volunteering in my community. I was a student at the University of Ottawa at the time and wanted to pursue a career in policing and was given the opportunity to become a volunteer at the Vista Centre Brain Injury Services. The experiences that I had gained here was like no other and it certainly helped me in achieving my goals and dreams in life.
I volunteered there usually once a week, spending time with clients and enjoying all sorts of different activities such as going for walks in the neighbourhood, playing baseball, riding bicycles, going to the gym and enjoying breakfast together.
My favourite part is and was always seeing the clients get very excited when they see me walk through the door, they have so much energy and are always ready to enjoy the day with you. The staff members there are also amazing people and are very supportive. They are kind, helpful, and appreciative and will do anything to make your life easier! It makes me feel good knowing that I have made a difference in the lives of those at the Vista Centre.
Today I am proud to say that I have achieved my goal of becoming a police officer in the city of Ottawa and I owe it all to the Vista Centre, they have supported me and kept me going since Day 1 and my experiences and time there will forever stay with me. I had a great time being a volunteer there and would recommend it to anyone looking to volunteer in the community.
Tan Nguyen
I have been volunteering at VISTA since Dec 2010 and it has been a rewarding experience for me.
I work with clients in various aspects including reading with them, going on walks in the community, helping them to write, doing exercise routines and supervising them making their lunches for the following day.
The rewarding part for me is seeing their faces light up when they know they will have one-on-one attention, not because it is part of their routines but because I want to spend time with them. I focus on their qualities and strengths.
VISTA is open to suggestions and I believe the "teamwork" makes it a great place to volunteer.
Wendi Morris
VCBIS is always looking for caring team players that have a career interest that is demanding and rewarding.
We are proud to have the opportunity to play a meaningful work related role in their school experiences .
VCBIS is provides volunteers with challenging opportunities that match an individual's skills and interests.
Vista Centre Services relies on the donations of corporations and individuals to enrich our clients lives.