Acquired Brain Injury Videos
Part 1 : Traumatic Brain Injury
Learn from Dr. Yao about some of the causes of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and what may happen to the brain as a result of the TBI.
Part 2 : Traumatic Brain Injury
What happens when there is an increase in pressure inside your skull. Dr Yao will also touch on what occurs when a brain tumour develops.
Part 1:Acquired Brain Injury Outcome
Learn from Dy. Yao about how factors such as age, severity of injury, pre-existing health conditions as well as having good social supports can impact outcomes.
Part 2:Acquired Brain Injury Outcome
Learn the difference between a mild, moderate and severe traumatic brain injury. Dr. Yao will also explain what are the meanings of the acronyms GCS, PTA, CT and MRI?
Recovery from Acquired Brain Injury
Dr. Yao speaks on recovery during acute and rehabilitation stages of injury, and how families can support their loved ones during recovery.
How it affects the Brain
Source: Dr. James Kelly, Professor of Neurosurgery and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine.
Direct Relief is supporting health facilities in hurricane-affected communities across the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts.
Direct Relief is supporting health facilities in hurricane-affected communities across the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts.
Direct Relief is supporting health facilities in hurricane-affected communities across the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts.
Direct Relief is supporting health facilities in hurricane-affected communities across the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts.