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Keep Your Brain Healthy

It's all about preventing an injury, living a healthy life and finding ways to take care of your body, mind and spirit.


  • Reduce or eliminate the risk of injury to your brain
  • Eat a healthy diet - limit sugar, salt and alcohol; eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day; eat more cold water oily fish (or fish oil supplements)
  • Monitor and control your blood pressure, blood sugar and weight
  • Keep physically active - aim for 30 minutes of brisk exercise a day
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night



  • Take steps to reduce stress in your life such as using relaxation techniques, deep breathing, positive thinking, meditation/praying, visualisation, enjoying nature
  • Find activities that give meaning and purpose to your life
  • Develop and maintain a network of people who are supportive to you
  • Look for ways to support others

Check out the prevention tips if you want to learn more!

Articles For Families

Alcohol & Substance Abuse

Information about the effects of alcohol and drug use on the brain and getting help and support.

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Describes common concussion symptoms, problems and how to get better.

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Keep your Brain Healthy

It's all about preventing an injury, living a healthy life and finding ways to take care of your body, mind and spirit.

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Sexual Health & Intimacy

Common questions from survivors and/or partners and families regarding sexual health & intimacy.

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Strategies to Assist Learning

This article provides strategies, ideas, and tips that may help you continue to learn.

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When Can I Drive Again

Describes what has to be considered to determine readiness to drive after a brain injury.

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Describes what has to be considered to determine readiness to return to work after a brain injury.

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Brochure a l'intention des personnes atteinte

Les préoccupations de la Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec en matière de réadaptation existent depuis sa création en 1978. Consciente des difficultés que provoquent certains traumatismes graves sur le plan humain, la Société publie la présente brochure afin de venir en aide aux personnes qui sont aux prises avec les problèmes qu'entraîne un traumatisme cranio-cérébral.

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